Monday, February 3, 2020

Failing In Fresno

We don't like doing it, but do it we must; this month we talk about some recent failures in the city of Fresno, why it happened and maybe what we can do to prevent more.

Also, we have an interview with a local photographer, Steven Sanchez, about his new book, Rock & Roll For Everybody.

Play some music from locals, The Dying Suns.

Finish off with our favorite topic: new restaurants!

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: FlowingFeb2020.mp3

Thanks for being here! Thanks for listening!
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee and his bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls and the Strikingly Originals.

Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour. Plus the podcasts Get Off My PodcastThe Perfect Pour and Dorktown.